
Lower paxton township yard waste
Lower paxton township yard waste

This does NOT include: trash, food waste, tree stumps, dirt and stones. To order a lease cart, simply print the order form and mail the completed form to the address provided on the form. Collection Update: 7/6/23 - Due to the forecasted heat for tomorrow, July 6, Penn Waste routes will be starting one hour early. Collection Update: 7/6/23 Due to the forecasted heat for tomorrow, July 6, Penn Waste routes will be starting one hour early. In order to ensure collection, please have your material curbside this evening (July 5). Waste Management Trash Service As one of Pennsylvania's largest trash and recycling service partners, we pride ourselves on customer service and environmental stewardship. If your street is heavily littered, call the public works office at (717) 293-1733. Leaves and shrubbery can be dropped at the Utilities Complex on Ninth Street. Manheim Township Residents must obtain an Access Card from the Municipal Office at 1840 Municipal Drive in order to enter the Park. White Good/Large Appliance collection will occur the 3rd Friday of each month (See Calendar).A $15 tag must be. Recycling helps to save landfill space, creates jobs to collect and process the recyclables, conserves resources and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

lower paxton township yard waste

How do I dispose of used oil, batteries, household chemicals and other hazardous waste? You may call the Township Office at any time to be signed up for service.

Lower paxton township yard waste